Welcome to Berkshire Financial Consultancy/Berkshire Mortgage Services

Berkshire Financial Consultancy and Berkshire Mortgage Services were established in 2001 and provide face to face financial planning to both individual and corporate clients. Our advice is always personally tailored to reflect the individual needs and objectives of our clients.

Our philosophy is to build long term relationships, based on mutual openness andtrust. Our aim is to ensure that we provide quality, professional service.

As needs and circumstances will change over time, we believe it is important to ensurethat financial planning is reviewed on an on going basis to keep up to date. Wetherefore ensure that agreed contact is maintained with our clients to consider anddiscuss any changes that may be appropriate.

UK News

The surprise inclusion of VAT to calculate tariffs prompts questions over the possible impact on British businesses.
Thousands of drivers are taking part in the strike action over pay and working conditions, a union says.
Parents should be able to use vouchers, the regulator says, but restrictions on discounts should remain.
The water company says the cap on what it can charge customers for the next five years is too low.
They say the US should re-evaluate its cyber-security partnership with the UK unless the "dangerous" request is withdrawn.